
Business restructuring requires specific skills and tangible experience. The innovations recently implemented in the applicable legislation, the attitude of Credit Institutions, the decisions made by Courts give evidence every day of the importance of specialist skills in governing difficult situations. The knowledge of the applicable legislation and thorough understanding of industrial and financial aspects, as well as the experience gained in managing debtor-creditor relationships, are key success factors in business turnaround, in bonis or with insolvency procedures on a going-concern basis.

  • Industrial and financial restructuring
  • Distressed M&A
  • Compositions with creditors on a going-concern basis with direct or indirect continuation of business
  • Certification of recovery plans
  • Refinancing


AGFM assiste l’impresa in crisi nella predisposizione di un piano industriale di risanamento e nella definizione di una manovra finanziaria appropriata, attraverso soluzioni sia stragiudiziali che concorsuali, con l’obiettivo di consentire la prosecuzione dell’attività d’impresa in un contesto finanziario, economico e patrimoniale definitivamente risanato.

AGFM affianca l’impresa nella negoziazione con gli istituti di credito, dalle fasi iniziali della trattativa fino al closing.
